Deep Ocean Applications

Sub Aqua Imaging Custom Design Services



SAIS developed this product primarily for use in the abandonment sector of the Oil & Gas industry . This sector of the industry is primarily concerned with the capping of abandoned oil wells and the removal of old oil platforms that are no longer in use. The original client for this custom designed product is Sea-Tech Services (STS) an equipment rental company in

from the Gulf of Mexico


Based in Houston Texas, STS identified a need for overhead lighting on these large abadonment operations in the Oil & Gas Industry where there are usually several surface vessels similtaneously operating on-stie with divers, Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs) and cutting machinery all working in the water near one another. Having clear vision and being in sight of every other operator while working on a busy underwater site is one of the best ways to enhance the safety of personnel, equipment and well-heads during these large-scale operations. In light of recent events in the Gulf, STS forward-looking initiative to improve underwater safety was a timely move.


The solution: The SAIS SOLAS 4K Luminaire.>>> sub aqua imaging for underwater equipment design

A 390,000 Lumen output HMI lamp is housed in a custom designed quartz envelope and aluminium housing. The light will illuminate a 50ft diameter area from 50ft above using a 15in diameter reflector which was custom designed using SAIS-developed reflector-design software. The lights will be deployed in groups of three on a large pod attached to the surface by a single cable. The whole array is deployed by STS's Launch and Recovery System (LARS) which was custom built for the purpose.
sub aqua imaging for underwater equipment design
The Luminaire is also suitable for use as a single light source. Other uses include film production, architectural lighting and anywhere where daylight quality illumination is needed underwater. The STS LARS is equipped with a 500ft (155m) cable but the SOLAS it is actually capable of going to a greater depth (770ft / 235m). A single light LARS will be available for rent / lease shortly. Lights are currently available for rent in the Gulf area by contacting STS directly. Rentals for film production, and other operations on the West Coast are available from SAIS. Contact or


Full Safety Isolation System


The SOLAS-4K LARS is a fully isolated system with fault monitoring and automated shut-down for complete diver safety. If an electrical leak to the water is present, the system will immediately shut off the power to the luminaires.





For more Information:
Tel:+858 4140383 - San Diego, USA
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+858 4140383 - San Diego, USA


SeaBotix Inc, manufacturer of the Little Benthic Vehicle (LBC) and Little Benthic Crawler (LBV)
SeaView Systems Inc, Marine ROV operations
SeaVision Marine LLC, Bathymetric survey and data analysis
